10K in 197 days: I need to ride more!

On my way home from Blue Moon Cycle in Norcross, GA I am compelled to pull over, put the bike in neutral and dig around various pockets to find my BlackBerry so I can take an awesomely important picture of my S1000RR’s cockpit. I haven’t bothered with odometer milestone photos in a long time… Miles come way too easy now. Obviously there is still the slight problem with there never being enough miles rolled, but I rarely look anymore, unless I’m due for service. I am more interested now in calculating lean angle from still shots grabbed off of various riding videos of mine. But this one is, for some odd reason, important to me. So here it is:

10K Odometer (S1000RR)

On October 30, 2010 at 17:08 Eastern Time I have to pull over and take a picture.

In 197 days of owning my BMW S1000RR I have put 10K miles on the clock (plus a few, since I wasn’t quite home yet. =D) My daily average mileage, therefore, is 50.76. However, this is an inaccurate calculation. The 11 miles they put on the bike’s clock to ensure they put her together right; the miles the mechanics insist on putting on every stinking time I take the bike in for service (this tradition needs to come to a stop!), and the 33 days the blasted (aforementioned) dealer held her hostage.

Verdict: I need to ride more!